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Learning ActionScript 2. You do not have to understand every ActionScript element to begin scripting. If you have a clear goal, you can start building scripts with simple actions. For this reason, developers who are familiar with JavaScript can find ActionScript immediately familiar.
Animate includes more than one version of ActionScript to meet the needs of different kinds of developers and playback hardware.
ActionScript 3. This version requires more familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts than the other ActionScript versions. FLA files that use ActionScript 3.
Deprecated with Animate only ActionScript 2. Although Flash Player runs compiled ActionScript 2. ActionScript 2. For example, more design-oriented content.
Deprecated with Animate ActionScript 1. ActionScript 1. Deprecated with Animate Flash Lite 2. Deprecated with Animate Flash Lite 1. Due to multiple versions of ActionScript 2. You can find description about the graphical user interface for working with ActionScript.
These topics apply to all versions of ActionScript. Other ActionScript documentation from Adobe guides you to learn about the individual versions of ActionScript. You select actions, and the software presents you with a user-interface for entering the parameters required for each one. Many designers and non-programmers use this mode.
Deprecated with Animate Behaviors also let you add code to your file without writing it yourself. Behaviors are prewritten scripts for common tasks. You can add a behavior and then easily configure it in the Behaviors panel. Behaviors are available only for ActionScript 2. Writing your own ActionScript gives you the greatest flexibility and control over your document. But, it requires you to become familiar with the ActionScript language and conventions. Components are prebuilt movie clips that enable you to implement complex functionality.
A component can be a simple user interface control, such as a check box, or it can be a complicated control, such as a scroll pane. Most components require you to write some ActionScript code of your own to trigger or control a component. For more information, see Using ActionScript 3. When you write ActionScript code in the authoring environment, you use the Actions panel or Script window.
The Actions panel and Script window contain a full-featured code editor that includes code hinting and coloring, code formatting, and syntax highlighting features. It also contains debugging, line numbers, word wrapping, and support for Unicode. Use the Actions panel to write scripts that are part of your Animate document that is, scripts that are embedded in the FLA file.
The Actions panel provides features such as the Actions toolbox, which gives you quick access to the core ActionScript language elements. You get prompts for the elements that require to create scripts.
Use the Script window if you want to write external scripts—that is, scripts or classes that are stored in external files. You can also use a text editor to create an external AS file. The Script window includes code-assistance features such as code hinting and coloring, syntax checking, and auto-formatting. Getting started with ActionScript 3.
Creating a Document class using ActionScript 3. Creating an effective workflow between design and development CS3 The following articles and tutorials provide more detailed information about working with ActionScript:.
ActionScript 3 migration table Adobe. When you execute any doc type, the Output panel displays information or warning related to operations such as document conversions and publish.
To display this information, add trace statements to your code or use the List Objects and List Variables commands. If you use the trace statement in your scripts, you can send specific information to the Output panel when the SWF file runs.
It includes notes about the status of the SWF file status or the value of an expression. To find reference documentation for a specific ActionScript language element, do one of the following:. Open the ActionScript 3. Type the language element in the Actions panel, select it, then press F1 Press F1 immediately. Choose only one version for each FLA file you create.
Script navigator. Lists the scripts in your Animate document, and lets you move quickly between them. To view the script in the Script pane, click an item in the Script navigator. The Actions panel lets you access the code-assistance features that simplify and streamline coding in ActionScript.
You can add non-frame specific global and third-party scripts that can be applied to the whole animation from within Animate. For more information, see A dding G lobal a nd T hird- p arty s cripts section in this page.
Add using wizard is a simplified user interface to add code to your compositions. Tom Hermans. Permalink to comment March 5, Permalink to comment April 2, Jake Rayson.
Permalink to comment March 7, Ravish Malik. Permalink to comment October 7, Ben Frain. Permalink to comment March 21, Shaimoom Newaz. Permalink to comment March 6, Nice post Chris! Tiny bug in your object fallback though:. Chris Coyier. Karl Spencer. Anyway, thanks for such a thorough review Chris! Much appreciated. I had an issue with svg in ie10 and possibly 9 recently. Vinay Raghu. Permalink to comment March 13, You can also try:. Permalink to comment December 25, Peter Foti. Matthew Lein.
Chris, please mention this important SVG issue with Firefox: In Firefox, SVG used as a css background-img is bitmapped at its original designed dimensions, before it is scaled up or down. Permalink to comment March 8, Karl Kelman. Permalink to comment March 25, Stripping out height and width from the. Humbled and proud to be a part of this article. Thank you, kind sir.
Philippe Michou. You can find it here: animating-properties-of-injected-svg-elements I think SVGs are terrific for multiple purposes but they are not getting the attention they deserve, especially in this new multi-screen era that we are experiencing, their scalability is life-saving. What kind of magic base64 encoder do you use to make it shrink? Base64 is larger than raw formats, including plain text.
Fantastic information. Excellent article. Just one remark. Robert D'Arcy. I have been meaning for a long time to use SVG in a website but for the moment I only use it to create procedural graphics, like Guilloche patterns, such as this example- Guilloche experiment 1. James Nowland. Christian Krammer. Wow, great article Chris. I just skimmed it, but will definitely dive into it soon.
Pete B. Brad S. Fantastic article. It for this sort of stuff that I subscribe! Thanks :. Johnny Martin. Apparently Android 2.
Requests both, displays neither — Tim Kadlec tkadlec February 25, Permalink to comment October 18, Steve Wanless. Dragos Mocanu. Ron Logan. Permalink to comment March 16, Arshad Ansari. Thanks for sharing such a valuable information, really helping me a lot to better understand SVG. Gregory Pakosz. Hot Link Flat UI is not working. Sorry — didnt know where else to post this as there is no comment section on those links. David Goss. Nice article Chris. Daniel Bakan.
Rachel Reveley. This is easier more understandable base64 code for the Terminal : openssl base64 -in kiwi. Inder Singh Ishwerdas. Peter Dmitrienko. Permalink to comment March 9, Permalink to comment March 10, C and P Unlock. Wow I did not realize you could get the straight SVG from illustrator. Cubicle Ninjas. Permalink to comment March 11, Thanks for the overview Chris! A lot of things in here that I did not realize were possible! You can also use php to generate data-urls on the fly.
Permalink to comment March 18, Ste Allan. Permalink to comment March 12, Thanks for this great writeup on good practices for using SVG on your website. This was driving me nuts. I mistakenly assumed that my host had this by default. Permalink to comment March 14, Shabir Gilkar.
Permalink to comment March 17, Richard Bagnall. Permalink to comment March 20, Permalink to comment March 27, Scott Lyttle.
Permalink to comment March 22, I have used this for js detection of svg support. Permalink to comment March 23, Permalink to comment March 24, Working with Django is so much easier. Surely the php goblins have something similar?
Permalink to comment April 3, Jad Joubran. Raphael is a very necessary library when working with SVG! Cool article though, thanks. Permalink to comment April 14, Permalink to comment April 16, What do the other tricksters think? Permalink to comment April 25, Permalink to comment April 17, Mike Buttery. Permalink to comment April 29, Permalink to comment October 8, Thanks in advance.
Permalink to comment October 15, Any one has been facing the same problem with base64 svg data URI? Permalink to comment October 9, Scott Grodberg.
Permalink to comment October 23, Shaun Fox. Permalink to comment November 5, Any hints? Kieran Mahon. Permalink to comment November 7, Anyone else confirm this as I may be wasting my time trying to fix this!! Permalink to comment November 13, Anyway thank you again for this guide. Permalink to comment November 14, Permalink to comment November 15, Jeremy Hi, thank you for the info, seems like there were some problems while cleaning the SVG. Permalink to comment November 22, Steve Smith.
Permalink to comment December 1, Thank you again for your great article. Permalink to comment December 12, Permalink to comment February 27, Jason Lombard. Permalink to comment March 26, Hi Technie Geeks, Can any kind soul tell me in simple english how one can place an. Permalink to comment April 1, What a fantastic post and discussion. Permalink to comment April 24, Permalink to comment April 26, Permalink to comment May 5, Permalink to comment May 9, Permalink to comment June 4, Our agency has a catalog of music bands and professional artists from authentic gospel in the African American style, reggae, jazz, soul, Pop, dance Gospel choir for concerts, weddings, and other events June 09, You are organizing an event and you want to listen to the real gospel?
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